Thursday, March 7, 2019

Fourth Grading Reflection

     This grading has been an unforgettable and amazing grading. Many challenges came and we surpassed them, as a class. This grading was amazing and I have enjoyed more. I enjoyed this fourth and last grading with my classmates. In the subject TLE, I have learn many concepts and ideas.

     Many concepts were taught to us. One of the concepts I learned is the Adobe Photoshop. We were taught how to make and edit in Photoshop. Our teacher taught us how to use the tools in Photoshop. Our project for this grading is creating our own edit using Photoshop and promoting ur school, ISNHS. We were again tasked to post our blogs.

     I will continue to post in my blog account. I will continue to become a blogger. I will also continue to have the references below my article. I will apply all the concepts our teacher had taught. I will continue to use Photoshop. This grading has been an amazing and good journey.

Dream Big!

     Everyone of us has dreams. These dreams are the reason why are we studying. We need and we want to fulfill our dreams. Becoming an engineer or a doctor or any profession, it's the dream they want in their future. These dreams we want can be the job we can get in the future.

     When I was a child, my dream is to become a lawyer. This is my dream from Nursery to Elementary. When I was in High School, I switched my dream from becoming a lawyer into becoming an accountant. I said to myself that I really want to become an accountant, this is it. This is really my dream. But when I entered Grade 10, I switched again. I dreamed of becoming a Physician. Since I like Physics, I changed my dream. This is my dream.

     Our dreams in our life can be affected by many factors. One factor is your family. They can influence what dream are you going to choose. Another is your friends and teachers. No one can dictate what you will choose to dream. It's all up to you. Follow your dreams.


Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Soaring, Flying and Aiming HIgh

     One of the highlights before a school year ends in ISNHS is the Foundation Day or High School Day Celebration. This year marks the 117th High School Day Celebration. This year, they made this a 2-day celebration. There are programs and coronation done and held in this celebration.

     The Coronation Ceremonies was done first, March 1,2019 in the afternoon. Here, the King and Queen and their Prince and Princesses were given honor. They were given crowns, sash, trophies and bouquets as gratitude.

     Saturday morning, March 2,2019, the Opening Parade was done. Here, the students of ISNHS, from Grade 7-12, with their respective costumes and props paraded around Vigan City. In the afternoon, the most awaited part, the Field Demonstration of the students. At 1 pm, the Arrival of Honors was done. Then, the guest said his message for this celebration. Then the field demo started. The Grade 8 boys and girls won as the Best Performer for this year.

     Again, the ISNHS made a successful celebration for this 117th Foundation Day. Job well done! Soar... Fly... Aim High.... Ilocos Sur National High School!

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Kannawidan : Ilocanos' Pride

     Kannawidan Ylocos Festival is annually celebrated festival in Ilocos Sur. This festival is a commemoration to the seperation of Ilocos provinces, Ilocos Sur and Ilocos Norte. The seperation of the two provinces was done on February 2, 1818. This year is the 12th Kannawidan Festival.

      Kannawidan Ylocos Festival became an annual festival that aims to create awareness on the preservation of the province’ rich cultural heritage, practices and traditions, and a showcase of the different agriculture and industry products of the province. The Province of Ilocos Sur once celebrated again Kannawidan Ylocos Festival for the 12th time. “Kannawidan” is a local term used by the Ilocanos which means ‘a traditional practice’. This occasion had opened the eyes of the Ilocanos to the culture and traditions their ancestors in the past had brought them. It’s also their way of celebrating the Ilocano spirit that continues to drive locals to boost their home province. The celebration includes contests such as the Saniata ti Ylocos and Saniata ti Agtutubo, wherein each contestant represent their own town or city to claim the title. It also includes the Street Dancing Competition, "Pinaka Contest", Rodeo and Siglat Eskwela Awards. There is also a trade fair where each town or city sells and shows their own OTOP or "One Town, One Product."

This festival is important to all Ilocanos. It's not only because of the separation of Ilocos Sur and Ilocos Norte, but because it's our tradition. This is the time where each municipality or city proudly shows their own cultures and traditions. It's their pride to show their beliefs to other people. Happy Kannawidan Ylocos Festival! Sure Ilocos Sur!


Starting to Change

     “You must be the change you want to see in the world.”

     It's on us to change the world. If we need to change the world, we need to change ourselves first. If you change how you think then you will change how you feel and what actions you take. And so the world around you will change.

     Changing yourself is hard and the problem with changing your outer world without changing yourself is that you will still be you when you reach that change you have strived for. You will still have your flaws, anger, laziness, negativity, self-sabotaging tendencies etc. intact. You are in control. Youre the one that control yourself in whatever actions youre doing. Forgive and let go. We must forgive the people who have been bad to us and try to let go the things that we dont need. We need to be true to our self. We must reflect ourelves and know more about ourselves. We must know what is wrong with us. So that, the bad things are the things were going to change. This is the start to change.

Change is really a part of a person's life. Everything changes. So, even us human change. Nothing on Earth is permanent. The change starts with me. After changing ourselves, lets change the world.


Thursday, February 7, 2019

A New Me?

     New Year, New Hope. New Year, New Me. Another year has started again. Every year, we always or sometimes make our own New Year's Resolution. This list will be the things-to-do this new year, as a change for this year from the things we've done last year.

     As we make our resolution, we need to look back and to reflect from the things weve done last year. This resolution will make us better or worse, depending on the effects on the person. Changing your attitudes will mean a lot. Sometimes, your closed friends will notice a lot of changes on you. These changes affect our environment. Our friends, our family and everyone around us. This year, my only resolution is to have a diet and lose weight. To be honest, every year this is my resolution. Yet, I cannot do this because eating is my hobby. All I can do is to continue to do the good things and stop doing bad things. I just want to make my loved ones happy. For this year, there is no new me. Just an ordinary and the old me.

Many people have their resolutions in life for this year. The change is within the person wanting to change. If they want a new them, let them be. New Year is a New hope. New year to change and become a better person.


Monday, January 7, 2019

Reflection: Third Quarter

     This grading has been a remarkable, unforgettable and amazing grading. Many challenges came and we surpassed them, as a class. This grading was amazing and I have enjoyed more. I enjoyed this third grading with my classmates. In the subject TLE, I have learn many concepts and ideas.

     Many concepts were taught to us. One of the concepts I learned is the HTML Links, wherein we can link photos and html files. Next is creating our own web design. The Communtiy Based Research of our classmate served as our information to create our web design. And also, we continued to publish more articles.

     I will continue to post in my blog account. I will continue to become a blogger. I will also continue to have the references below my article. I will apply all the concepts our teacher had taught. I will continue to make html for our own web design. This grading has been an amazing and good journey.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Spirit of Christmas: Giving and Sharing

     We are about to celebrate a special season once again, a season of joy, of peace and of love. Christmas is near. The season where we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Jesus is the reason for the season. But what is the essence of Christmas?

     The spirit behind Christmas is that of giving and sharing. We must also spare time to reflect on the essence of the period which is the love of God for humanity. The essence of celebrating the Christmas season is not to have a house full of Christmas lights, Christmas tree and having gifts underneath it. Christmas basically means sharing what you have. We must show our appreciation, saying a simple thank you or a hug to our loved ones and forgiveness among others.

     We must remember that it is the thought that counts and that the love is the most important thing in our lives and in the world. We must bear in mind that Christmas is celebrated because of Jesus, the birth of Jesus. Remember, it's not only in Christmas that we must give and share but everyday.


We are All Born Entitled With Equal Rights

     The equal rights movement began in the eighteenth century with people like Mary Wollstonecraft. She was influenced by the French Revolution and defended its principles. She went to argue that if all men were entitled to equality, liberty and brotherhood, then these should be open to women too. She believed that male/female difference was all down to up-bringing.

   A job would prevent women from becoming trapped in unhappy marriages because they would not be dependent on their husbands and they would have their own jobs as source of income. It was not until 1918 that women first gained the vote and even then it was not on the same terms as men. World War I helped to foster changing attitudes towards women. During World War II, women again took on key roles in the country while the men were away. In many areas around the world, women face inequality in the work place, unequal access to divorce and education, forced marriage and domestic violence.

     Amnesty International campaigns for equal rights and equal opportunities for women world wide. The traditional view of women is that they are the weaker sex and more suited to the roles of wife and mother than the world of work. They have often been believed to be more emotional, less logical, less academically capable and less ruthlessly competitive. We must bear in mind that we are born equal. We are all born entitled with equal rights.
