Thursday, March 7, 2019

Fourth Grading Reflection

     This grading has been an unforgettable and amazing grading. Many challenges came and we surpassed them, as a class. This grading was amazing and I have enjoyed more. I enjoyed this fourth and last grading with my classmates. In the subject TLE, I have learn many concepts and ideas.

     Many concepts were taught to us. One of the concepts I learned is the Adobe Photoshop. We were taught how to make and edit in Photoshop. Our teacher taught us how to use the tools in Photoshop. Our project for this grading is creating our own edit using Photoshop and promoting ur school, ISNHS. We were again tasked to post our blogs.

     I will continue to post in my blog account. I will continue to become a blogger. I will also continue to have the references below my article. I will apply all the concepts our teacher had taught. I will continue to use Photoshop. This grading has been an amazing and good journey.

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