Thursday, March 7, 2019

Dream Big!

     Everyone of us has dreams. These dreams are the reason why are we studying. We need and we want to fulfill our dreams. Becoming an engineer or a doctor or any profession, it's the dream they want in their future. These dreams we want can be the job we can get in the future.

     When I was a child, my dream is to become a lawyer. This is my dream from Nursery to Elementary. When I was in High School, I switched my dream from becoming a lawyer into becoming an accountant. I said to myself that I really want to become an accountant, this is it. This is really my dream. But when I entered Grade 10, I switched again. I dreamed of becoming a Physician. Since I like Physics, I changed my dream. This is my dream.

     Our dreams in our life can be affected by many factors. One factor is your family. They can influence what dream are you going to choose. Another is your friends and teachers. No one can dictate what you will choose to dream. It's all up to you. Follow your dreams.


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