Monday, August 6, 2018

Reflection on Our First Grading Period

     This grading has been a remarkable grading. Many challenges came and we surpassed them. Even though this grading is not the one I wanted, but it's good. I enjoyed this first grading with my classmates. In the subject TLE, I have learn many concepts and ideas.

     Many concepts were taught to us. One of the concepts I knew is the history of internet. Another is the blog. Now, all of us are bloggers. Another is the search engines. Many challenges have come. One of them is publishing our blogs on time and I am slow in typing and sometimes there are many errors I make and inserting photos on my blog. Through the help of our teacher in TLE, Mrs. Vera Cruz I was able to surpass these challenges. And to my fellow classmates for teaching me the right thing to do and on what to do.

     I will continue to post in my blog account. I will continue to become a blogger. I will also continue to have the references below my article. I will apply all the concepts our teacher had taught. This grading has been an amazing journey. 


  1. always enjoy while learning and keep up the good work!

  2. always enjoy while learning and keep up the good work!

  3. making articles for the blog is fun you get to share your knowledge, your own perspectives about a certain topic given and I can see in your article that you have shared enough of your knowledge about those topics

  4. It seems that you learned much on the first grading. Keep it up to the next grading period.
