Sunday, August 19, 2018

Filipinos: Strong and Happy

     Resilience is the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens. The Philippines is situated in the Pacific Ring of Fire. As expected, many natural disasters like earthquakes are experienced. It is also beside the Pacific Ocean where most of the typhoons were formed there. Because of those disasters, Filipinos become resilient. But, does being a resilient a good trait or characteristic Filipinos should have?

     Despite the staggering impact from Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines, especially Tacloban, in November 2013 and the 7.2 magnitude Bohol Earthquake just weeks before that, the country managed to sustain its economic momentum as its Growth Domestic Product (GDP) finished the year up by a rate of 7.2%. Filipinos have repeatedly been touted as reilient, ever happy, and even bulletproof. Even in the poorest typhoon-hit areas, it only takes a day or two for people to start rebuilding their homes. We Filipinos want to turn the negative into a positive all at once. This is a wonderful trait to have, to be self-reliant and to be a positive thinker. Independence and self-reliance are all fine and good, except that Filipinos know how much we pay our taxes and we know where that money really goes. The good part is we make our way and even earn a living.

     Being resilient is a trait one must have. The resiliency of Filipinos is a trait that we are very proud of. We always smile even during and after a disaster. No one can pull us down. We are Filipinos. We smile even our toughest problems. We smile no matter what happens. Proud to be a Filipino!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like your article, you gave me infos. that i haven't known before. Good job!

  3. Nice article!keep up the good work!
